The Conex canoe race is a 5 mile race from Durham City down the wear to Finchale Abbey. It starts from the Penny Ferry bridge and finishes at the foot bridge at Finchale. The 5 miles of water are fairly tranquil (especially in low water) with some rapids along the way.
The event started in 1988 as part the the Humbledon Outdoor Activities Association and has been running ever since with regular competitors taking part every year. The association helps people with disabilities experience outdoor activities and many of the competitors are often from the HOAA.
This year's race was postponed from the usual date in May due to the pandemic and was reorganised for August bank holiday. Quite a few weeks of dry weather had left the river quite low. The race start is graded with faster boats going off after the slower ones. The race start saw the Canadian canoes off at 12 followed by general purpose canoes at 5 mins and doubles, racers and sea kayaks at 10 mins.
Most of the early part of the route is in reasonably deep water but due to the low river levels there were many places further down the course that were rocky and caused some grounding. Inevitably you have to get out and push! Prior knowledge of the best route through is also helpful.
Thankfully all made it to Finchale safely and without too much trouble. The day was generally overcast and with light drizzle. So after a soaking of river water too, hot soup was welcome at the end.
Next years event is scheduled for:
May Day Bank Holiday, Monday 2nd May 2022 – 12 noon start.