
Sunday, 28 April 2019

Ski Race training series 2019: Event 1

It was a bit of a chilly start to the ski racing training series today but at least the sun was shining. Although the air temperature was warm, the water temperature was still quite cold. Due to crew shortage there were only two boats taking part and three skiers. The plan was therefore to run a couple of heats. Dave Owens and Simon Binks both completed 11 laps in the first heat. Dave did not get away at the start did well to catch Simon pulling back within 20 seconds after being half a lap down. His engine cut on the start leaving him in the water for vital seconds. The time difference is reflected on the handicap. Geoff didn't get away after frozen hands set in! Next one in June! 
Photo credit is to Tom Collins who caught this excellent picture of Dave chasing Simon round the bay.
